Why do people write and sing songs?
People write and sing songs because they want to express their feelings and emotion for someone or something
Why is proper posture necessary?
Proper posture is necessary because it can affect your voice and people don't want to look at someone singing with an ugly posture.
Why do we vocalize an warm up?
We do that so our voice will not be destroyed while you are hight piched and also so your voice and so your voice can get used to the pich, song or melody.
What did you learn from this unit?
I learned that when you sing you need proper posture, you should open your mouth wide so we can hear you and we should always vocalize or warm up before we sing.
What do you think you did well?
I think that I practiced well and I memorized the lyrics without a paper or a extra voice in the song.
How can you improve?
I think I can improve by stop shaking and sing a little bit lounder and don't be to shy infront of the audience or classmates.
What IB learner profile did you use while preforming?
I used Risk-taker because I am normaly shy infront of people and I don't really like singing.